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Firm Overview
Offering Competent, Professional Legal Representation at Reasonable Rates
The Law Offices of Michelle Evans practices in the areas of Family Law and Estate Planning. We have extensive experience in both Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Attorney Michelle Evans founded the law firm to offer premier legal services at reasonable rates.
Family Law
Nearly everyone today has either been involved in a Family Law matter, or knows someone who has. Despite the widespread commonality in this area of law, there are many misconceptions about the Family Law process and regulations.
Whether you’re going through a divorce, looking to change the amount of support in your case, or dealing with issues of child custody, our office offers compassionate, confidential, accurate assistance.
Remember: It is always best to speak to a Family Law attorney before making any major decisions concerning the division of property, child custody or support issues.
Estate Planning
Getting your financial affairs in order is a necessary but often confusing process. Estate Plans vary for each individual. Let our expertise in the estate planning area assist you in creating the perfect estate plan to fit your needs. Whether it’s a legal trust, a will, a conservatorship, trust administration or a probate matter, we can help walk you through the process.
Reasonable Rates
In today’s economic climate, it is imperative to have accurate, professional legal representation at reasonable rates. Unlike many other firms, we do not charge for any travel time within Santa Barbara or Ventura Counties. In addition, our hourly rates are geared at ensuring that all members of the community can afford legal representation. We also offer limited scope representation for family law matters.
Contact Us Today
We work with clients in both the Santa Barbara and Ventura areas.e-